Sunday, August 23, 2009

{CU Overlays}

My commercial use items can be used in creating layouts and or accents for your kits.
You may sell your kits or accents but you can not include the overlays file in the set.

You may not resale the overlays as a set or stand alone product.

There is no credit required but it is apreciated. Common Etiquette: Give credit where credit is due! I don't REQUIRE you to per say, but I would certainly appreciate any I do get.
If you decide to credit me in your works, whether online or in business, please credit "Robyn Pali Designs"

All images, graphics and content in this product, are copyrighted by © 2009 Robyn Pali Designs unless otherwise stated.


At all times the content of this product remains the sole property of the original creator (Robyn Pali Designs). Purchasing this product does not make it yours to do what you wish with.
If there is anything you are unclear about, please don't hesitate to contact me via the information above.

You MAY:

* YOU MAY use the graphics/content to scrap pages/projects you are selling, as long as you in no way include my individual original files.
(You may not disperse the files contained in this product as individual pieces for your customers to use.)

* YOU MAY use this set for your personal design projects such as kits for resale, and print a hardcopy for personal scrapbooking and craft projects.

* YOU MAY make gifts for family and friends! I would be delighted that you share your scrapbook talents in this way.

* YOU MAY alter size, color, etc. to suit your design projects.

* YOU MAY submit project for publication using these graphics. Please give credit to Robyn Pali Designs.

* YOU MAY make a copy of this set for backup purposes only, but not with intent to redistribute.

* YOU MAY use any of the graphics/content as part of a trademark, or to promote any type of business, or to use as website graphics, but you must contact me first with your intent of use,
and get 'approval' in writing from me before doing so. Images for web graphics must be within these guidelines: no larger then 600x600px, and 72dpi.
You are responsible for resizing the images to meet this criteria.
Robyn Pali is not responsible under any circumstances for any loss or damages resulting from the use or inability to use products provided.


*YOU MAY NOT use my CU items to create CU products of your own.

*YOU MAY NOT share this set/kit (either in it's original format, or any individual elements of it) with anyone outside your primary residence - including family or friends,
in any means of transport, including but not limited to the internet, CD or Snail Mail. (If you share your primary residence with a spouse/child/mother/father, then it would be acceptable on my part
that they too can use the kit. As long as their primary residence is the same as yours.)

*YOU MAY NOT sell the file(s) as I have sold them to you, or in doodle sets, overlay sets, templates or tubes/brushes, etc. Meaning you cannot resell them as a similar product.

*YOU MAY NOT resell any of these products without modification. You cannot include the original template/overlay/doodle/brush. etc. in your items for sale, rather you CAN include your altered form.
(Product has to modified more then just colorized, or multiple raw files merged to be one. (IE: Combining 3-4 overlays, and calling them your own.) You have to have some sort of 'significant' modification.

*YOU MAY NOT sell the file(s) as I have sold them to you, or in doodle sets, overlay sets, templates or tubes/brushes, etc.
Use of my commercial use items should not be more then 30% of your entire kit. (Give or take...I am not that sticky.)

*YOU MAY NOT remove any notice of copyright included in the graphics/content.

*YOU MAY NOT make any of the graphics into "actions", "styles" ,"tubes" or "brushes" and redistribute them. (You may create tubes or brushes for your own personal use though.)

*YOU MAY NOT offer these graphics on any web site as downloads or send them through a news list or Yahoo Groups. They are not for your free distribution.
This is considered pirating, and is ILLEGAL!


Robyn Pali shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any loss or damages resulting from the use or inability to use products provided.
Please be sure to read the entirety of the description in the store. It will state if an item is geared toward a specific program, size, etc.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
I'd love to hear any questions or comments you might have regarding my work.

Check back for new items shortly:)

Robyn Pali Designs

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